How Business Owners Can Lead From Home Effectively

With many companies now switching to a remote workforce, and many employees having to work from home for the first time, there is an emphasis on getting employees up to speed with their new remote work environments.

However, for many business owners, this is their first time being away from the office.

Managing a workforce remotely is a whole different process than managing employees in the office environment, and there aren’t a lot of resources out there to help business owners adjust to this change.

This guide will discuss how business owners can effectively lead their employees from a distance.

Location, Location, Location

If you don’t create a proper environment for yourself to work in, you are going to have an extremely difficult time effectively leading from home.

It doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but your home office setup can hugely affect your performance as a leader.

Home offices should be free of any distractions like television and should be well organized to promote a clear mindset.

Clutter tends to have the opposite effect, as a disorganized office leaves you feeling disorganized.

Another thing concerning your home office that seems insignificant but, in reality, can make a huge difference is your office chair.

If you are not comfortable where you work, you will be a less productive leader. Choose an office chair that supports your back, and is comfortable to the point where you could sit in it for the entirety of the workday.

Use the Right Tools

Communication will be one of the hardest tasks when managing your employees from home, but it is arguably the most crucial aspect of remote work.

You don’t have the luxury of simply walking by a desk and explaining a task to your employees, and things tend to get lost in translation when communicating through text or a phone call.

Fortunately, some great tools available to business owners can make life easier when running your company from home.

CRMsCustomer Relationship Management systems are one of the most valuable tools you can utilize as a business owner. With a CRM, you can track progress with clients/customers, assign tasks to your employees, and much more. There are a ton of different CRMs with various features, so it is a good idea to test a few out before you decide which one is right for your team.

Time Tracking Software – These apps are amazing solutions that can help business owners lead from home effectively. It allows you to clock in and clock out employees from any location with an internet connection, making it easy to keep track of employee hours. In addition, the GPS feature ensures that employees clock in exactly where they’re supposed to be, preventing time theft. This can be a huge advantage for businesses, saving both time and money. And because the app is so easy to use, it’s perfect for business owners who are always on the go. So if you’re looking for a way to lead your business more effectively, using a clock in app with GPS is definitely worth considering.

Video Conferencing Software – Video conferencing software is another great tool to utilize when leading a team from home. Using video to get your point across is much more effective than a message or phone call and provides a visual aid to help you explain yourself. Most software allows you to share your screen, so your employees can follow step by step.

Voice Messaging Apps – For those times when you have a lot to say but don’t necessarily want to have a meeting, voice messaging apps are the perfect middle ground. Most voice messaging apps also have a desktop version so that you can work from both your computer and your phone.

Whatever mixture of communication options you decide to go with, be sure your team is comfortable using them. If it makes sense to you but not to your employees, your communication efforts will be useless.

Emphasize Scheduling

When you can’t go around the office and tell your employees what needs to be done when, scheduling becomes more of a priority, and requires more detailed attention. As a business owner, you will have to plan weeks in advance so your employees are not blindsided with work they did not know was coming.

I suggest utilizing one of the CRMs (mentioned above) to schedule tasks, but a regular virtual calendar can also get the job done. However, remember to prioritize tasks based on their deadlines and importance. Tasks that need to be done right away should be labelled as such, and you should make clear to your employees that there is a strict deadline.

Final Thoughts on Leading Your Employees Remotely

Remote employee management comes with its own set of difficulties and obstacles, but there are actions you can take to help yourself.

By creating a good working environment, utilizing the tools available to you, and scheduling with your employees in mind, your company can thrive as a remote workforce.

With proper communication and planning, you can lead your remote employees just as effectively as you would in your office.

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Blake Taylor
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2 thoughts on “How Business Owners Can Lead From Home Effectively”

  1. All good points Blake. We are entering into a new era where more and more folks work from home, whether managing others or not. Leadership becomes more of a mindset thing now because fewer managers are in offices managing bodies, or trying to be in touch with folks they manage, in person.


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