6 Trends to Help Drive Your Marketing Strategy.

Marketing strategies tend to change every year, month, or even week. Though the principles of marketing remain the same, these subtle changes if not practiced can turn the game. So, a marketer must keep an eye on changing trends in the market.

As they change at the speed of light, if you don’t catch and implement them at the right time, it can prove to be disastrous for your brand.

Let’s talk about the trends that have caught the market by storm in 2020. Bookmark them, and use the most important marketing tactics of today!

Trend 1: Turning customers into promoters

In the past, customers had  very little part in promoting a company’s products or services, they were only the end buyers. But the trend is changing as now customers play a huge part in promoting your brand.

Through social media, your customers can review or provide feedback on your products/services. It is a form of word-of-mouth marketing that is more powerful than other forms of marketing. Why? Well, because the customers of today believe in consumer reviews or feedback instead of paid advertisements.

Thus, it is important that you keep your customer happy, and not just with the product. The customer support should be amazing too. Keeping this in mind, a lot of companies are training their employees to better deal with customers and keep them happy.

Trend 2: Incorporate video content

Video marketing has been present for a long time now. But from the last two-three years, it has taken front-seat with tons of brands using video content to market their brand. If you are not following this trend, it’s high time that you do.

Even the numbers say so! For instance, 83% of marketers believe that their ROI increased by producing more video content. Also, if you look at customer numbers, you will see that people look at video content more than any other type of content.

Furthermore, you can use video to increase sales, and even for customer support as now video producing and sharing is not that costly.

Trend 3: Chatbots

Chatbots are a marketing trend that has been gaining momentum for the last few years. In 2020, chatbots will be the biggest digital marketing trend that you should employ in your brand. As more customers look for 24-hour online support, this trend is important for you.

You need chatbots as they can chat online with the customer at any time of the day. Chatbots provide better customer support, and when customers are happy, your brand will gain more recognition.

Why chatbots? Here are four way chatbots can help:

  • They are instant
  • They answer queries in a simple way
  • They are patient
  • They have all buying details of the customer which makes customer support better

Trend 4: Social media

Marketing on social media is increasing day by day. Globally there are 3.7 billion social media users which is a huge pool of people for you to market your business to. Social media became mainstream in recent years, and in the coming years, it will continue to gain momentum.

As a brand, you need to follow some tips while marketing on social media:

  • Find the right platform for your brand which targets and connect you with your targeted audience
  • Use authentic posts, don’t copy.
  • Use only the best quality and original images. We recommend using Canva to create and edit images.
  • Be consistent and have a uniform theme


Trend 5: Personalization

Personalization is one of the biggest marketing trends that is becoming popular among both consumers and brands. Look at these stats:

  • 80% of consumers believe that they will interact with businesses that personalize their experiences.
  • 63% of consumers find it frustrating when they get generic emails/text

These statistics clearly show that you need to incorporate personalized emails, offers, products when sending out targeting communications. For instance: Look at Amazon and Netflix, based on the user’s choice, they recommend and personalize the user’s feed, which leads to increase conversion rates.

Trend 6: Use the ephemeral marketing strategy too

Ephemeral means temporary, and when you market using ephemeral social media for marketing it can work in your favor. For instance: Instagram and Facebook stories that hold content for up to 24 hours only. You can share images, videos, ask questions, do live video, and so on.

Since it has a small shell life, you can post on trending topics. Also, people would engage with it more as it won’t be available after a while.

Apply these trends to your business if you are up-to-date. Do it slowly, and you will see a tremendous change.

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Kavita Nandini Paliwal
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