8 Immersive Experiential Marketing Concepts You Can Begin Planning Now

Dreaming of stepping outside the box? Here are 8 immersive experiential marketing concepts you can begin planning now.

Experiential marketing is all about engaging directly with the audience or customer to show them how your brand can be a part of their every day, their real life. This type of marketing requires a certain kind of world.

It thrives in person-to-person moments. It’s all about the hands-on. In a world that has become accustomed to experiences over things, this type of marketing is a powerful marketing tool in the industry. The goal is to build lasting and tangible links between your brand and the target audience.

Plus, these types of experiences are sure to be passed along by word of mouth. That’s a reliable way to ensure your brand message reaches out to those who didn’t even attend the event.

But, how are you supposed to actualize this type of campaign when direct interaction is put on hold?

Planning for the future now

When disaster strikes, you should certainly take the time to change up your marketing strategy. Finding new ways to share your brand’s message and connect with people is imperative. Even still, that doesn’t mean you should let other useful marketing efforts fall to the wayside.

So, don’t fret about that trade show display waiting for its next moment in the spotlight. Instead, begin to dedicate time to planning how you can use it. You need to prepare for your next experiential marketing event.

You know that when things start moving again, you don’t want to be the one lagging in the race to re-connect directly with consumers. They will be starving for new connections and ways to reimagine the new normal.

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Experiential marketing design inspiration

Imagine how you can level-up your next experiential marketing moment. Think outside the four walls of your own office. Or should we say, re-think interaction while respecting the 6-feet radius we live within?

Perhaps you can consider creative ways to build in physical distancing in your next event?

How can you start to use social media to connect with your audience directly and interact with them, but in a new way?

Maybe you can interact with your customers by adding an interactive component that they can download or access wherever they are?

Whatever direction you go, getting inspiration is the first step. Visual stimulation, such as in the examples illustrated in 8 Gripping Experiential Marketing Concepts that Make a Lasting Impression, can launch a successful brainstorm session. You’re sure to uncover a brilliant strategy to continue to engage your audience.

Check out the infographic below for more info, and if you enjoyed this article, we invite you to sign up for our bi-monthly newsletter to receive marketing news and advice.

Provided by Coastal Creative

Kristen Klepac
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